Publications & Videos

  • Video on YouTube of my online talk to members of the Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates worldwide – ‘Mediation Advocacy in Trust and Estate Disputes’ (24.11.2024):

SCMA / ADR Group Seminar

See also: Commercial Mediation of Music Disputes — Civil Mediation

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  • Tax-Efficient Wills Simplified 2010/2011′, published by Management Books 2000 Ltd.
  • Tax-efficient wills’ published in Taxation Magazine (by Lexis Nexis Butterworths) (March 2008).
  • The concept of sham in relation to offshore trusts, how such a situation can arise and how best it can be avoided’ published in the Journal of International Trust and Corporate Planning, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2007, by Jordans.  LINK
  • Thin edge of the wedge (Part 1)’ published by Euromoney in Project Finance Magazine (July 2001). The adjudication of power project disputes in the aftermath of ABB Zantingh Ltd v. Zedal Building Services Ltd. Text version available HERE*.
  • The legal and commercial consequences of performing unspecified design work in ship-conversion projects’ (April 1999). International Conference Paper published by the Royal Institute of Naval Architects in London. LINK*
  • Les effets de la directive communautaire sur la responsabilite du fait des produits sur l’introduction d’une instance au Royaume-Uni’ (how to bring a product liability claim in England). Revue du Marche Commun. No325 mars 1989: 176-179, which was cited on the United Nations Biographic Information System.
  • ‘The inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises.’ The Law Society Guardian Gazette 29th June 1988, Vol.95, cited in Wikipedia August 15th 2012 LINK. Text version available HERE.

    “The article was very helpful for getting our heads round a law we didn’t know existed until last night, so your work was put to good use.” Dave McMullan, Senior Broadcast Journalist, The Today Programme, BBC Radio 4 (15 August 2012).

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